As I searched for organic and biodegradable products I began to play with making my own. It all began with laundry soap. With 5 in our family plus two large dogs we would plow through the laundry and it just seemed to smell like a cover up with perfume detergent. After many batches we came up with a simple yet effective recipe for amazing soap. Your laundry will smell fresher and be cleaner without all the chemicals and fake perfumes.
This triggered ideas about how I can reduce the toxic load in my entire house. Germ-Defense Surface Cleaner was born and to this day it makesme actually enjoy cleaning. This led to the Wood Floor Cleaner and a No More Stains formula for laundry.
These are just a few ideas. Our product line is continuing to expand and develop. We hope you and your family will enjoy using our products inyour journey to rid your environment of harmful toxins!